Partner welcome to the beach

Partner welcome to the beach Claimed

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What is your idea / business and to whom is it addressed?

Stress, Anxiety - my personal experience ( 2 burnouts) forced me to be creative and eager to understand what happens during the stress and what to do to eliminate it. collective and personal set box was the answer. Activate all 5 senses, shift mindset from stress (problem) to clear mind, feeling (find solution).

How should the idea/business earn money?

Product is fully ready and I am working on next versions (upgrades). Mass Production can be started in one weeks time (the same can be organised in individual countries) . Target market - managers - People experiencing stress while working from home or offices. Marketing and distribution chain is required ( Expected from Partner). Profits expected 100-200% (can be more for luxury sets) at first stage till market realise and start to follow up with copies.

At what stage is the idea / business at the moment?

Business is OPEN. Home page , product is completed and ready to be released to market. I am professional Maritime person and not in possession of knowledge how to make sales ( expected from partner).

What do you need?

I am looking for a PARTNER. I work on product, invent, reinvent make instructions and researches, will assist in marketing, can do public speeches etc. Partner is expected to create sales strategy market by market, country by country. More details will be agreed during talks.

Amount for investment

