In order to get access to your full contact details, you need to register and pay for it.

No, each ad is manually moderated and verified to ensure the highest quality. The verification team assesses whether your ad complies with the theme and rules of the site. A correctly created and completed ad is published within 72 hours.  In case of non-acceptance,  the bidder will be informed via e-mail about the reason for rejection.

Due to our great care for the quality of published offers, each change is manually verified for compliance with the regulations and ethics of the site. If the changes are accepted, the ad will appear again within 48 hours. In the absence of an answer – please send an e-mail to: gaininvestors@gaininvestors.com.

Yes, viewing offers is free for all users. 

The reasons that may have contributed to the lack of acceptance are:

  • Non-compliance with the service regulations
  • Non-compliance with the provisions of the Polish law 
  • Non-compliance with the specified service subject matter 
  • Vulgar content 
  • Hate speech 
  • SCAM

If you are convinced that you have not broken any of the above rules – contact us via e-mail: gaininvestors@gaininvestors.com

Write in detail and meticulously. The offer should contain the necessary parameters, allowing the potential investor to understand the essence of the presented project. The basic issue is also the value of the investment and its form.  If you want to write a perfect ad that will help you find an investor – visit our blog. 

We are here for you – the Gain Investors team is waiting to answer your questions. Contact us via the Contact tab.