Need invesdor for t-shirts brand or wholesale

Need invesdor for t-shirts brand or wholesale Claimed

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What is your idea / business and to whom is it addressed?

I want to make a T-shirt brand that has to be sealed in the local market and outside countries. We can make good money. In the beginning, we were able to build a small T-shirt and trousers that would consist of 5 machines. If I have a good identity in the local market of Pakistan, I can easily seal it Apart from this, we can keep our retailers in many countries. I already have a small set app. I can make the best T-shirt and trousers in good clothes? In addition to this, if you have any questions or if you want to add something to it, let me know and I will cooperate in every way.

How should the idea/business earn money?

I am very well aware of the local market and also have a good experience of the expot.

At what stage is the idea / business at the moment?

The market has been searched and the main work is also completed, the funds will start working as soon as possible

What do you need?

Give me the funds. Get a partner or an investor who will work hard to fund

Amount for investment

