What is your idea / business and to whom is it addressed?
Brief description of the project/ What does the project do? What is VoIP GSM call Termination Business* ? The VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol, voice packet) and GSM termination business is about "landing" and complete the international incoming calls on the territory of a certain country using the SIM-cards of mobile operators of that country. Nigeria is one of the most interesting destination for this business because of huge population. What problem does it solve? There are huge people living abroad (USA, Europe, Asia, ...etc) which often call their relatives, friends, partners living in Nigeria. These people abroad need convenient way to land their calls to Nigeria. Starting this business, will make the things easier for these people, helping them to land these calls and at the same time earning money. When we start this business, we will be the person who manage these international incoming calls landing in the country Nigeria. Means that All these calls will be redirected on to the equipment and will automatically pass through Equipment installed, and the devices will automatically complete these calls to the callee living in the country Nigeria. For each minute of call passing through the devices, money will be earn in Us dollars. What kind of need does it satisfy? *How does this business process goes practically* ? To start this business you need GSM gateways, Simbank, SMS server, SIM server, Remote server, internet connection, technical support, sim cards and call traffic partner(clients),...etc. Is by connecting all the equipment on internet using cables. Then, will now insert sim cards inside the Simbank and after few configurations that the technician support will help set, these simcards and will automatically load to the gateways. Traffic provider(clients) will send flow call traffic to the equipment. (Inside that flow call traffic will be a lot of calls from different countries, will be calls from people who want to join their relatives or friends living in Nigeria). When that flow call traffic will reach in the equipment which are installed in the country Nigeria, each call will be connected to one simcard that we have inserted in the system. Then the sim card relay these calls to the callee in local format. We will earn money from each minute of call that the sim cards will relay. To whom is it addressed (B2B?B2C?)? B2C! What is the history of its activity and development (if any)? The main idea of this business consists on relaying international calls landing in Nigeria and earn money on each minute of calls that will pass through the devices. Some years ago, others people called this business "Simboxing". What channels do you sell through? Managing and landing of International calls in Nigeria through VOIP installed channels.
How should the idea/business earn money?
Does the product/service have a fixed price? Yes! Depending on the package with start with. How will the project bring profits? The business is extremely profitable. The analyses below gives us an elaborate market forecast with profitability. *OUR DAILY & MONTHLY INCOME* ? With the help of our technical support and professional guidance, the business will run automatically more than 30000 minutes of calls everyday, depending of the profitable business package with (Start up Business Package or Deluxe Business package) that we will choose for the start. For each minute of international call that will pass through the equipment, the income is about 0,045USD-0,050USD - If for example we run 10000 minutes per day, our daily income will be 10000*0,050= 500USD. This is about 500×30=15000USDper month. If for example you start with the DELUXE BUSINESS PACKAGE, you will run about 10000 minutes per day, your minimum daily income will be 10000*0,05= 500USD. This is about 500*30=15000USD per month. Or - If for example we start with the STARTUP BUSINESS PACKAGE, we could run approximately 4000-5000 minutes per day, our minimum daily income will be about 4000×0,05= 200USD. This is about 200×30=6000USD per month. How big is the estimated and target market? With estimated over 213 million people in Nigeria with an extension over the period to other African Countries. The market for this business is really big. The current research have shown extremely remarkable market with high profitability. We will be immediately extend our business strategy to other major African countries, these is a result of our current research and strategy. The major countries in Africa after Nigeria are: Ghana; Cameroon; Somalia; Morocco; Côte d'Ivoire; Tunisia; Togo. The business is promising investors immediate returns on investment when investing capital, they will certainly stand to gain complete assess whether and profit that the investment will bring immediately.
At what stage is the idea / business at the moment?
The is in initial stage and on paper waiting for investment from the investors to start operations immediately. Is there a financial plan that shows how the investment will be used? Yes! There is complete investment plan for this business and how the investment will be used for. My contribution to the business is my technical capacity to grow the business, including the man power needed to expand the business. We have not yet gotten an investor for the business. And no capital as at now.
What do you need?
We are looking for an investor and a partner. The business idea needs $25,000 to start operations. This will help us acquire the necessary equipments to set up. We are planning an extensive strategy to expand the business to other African Countries.