What is an elevator pitch and how does it relate to business?
If you want to be successful, achieve professional fulfilment, invest in a solution that may prove to be a good one, you certainly need to be able to present yourself properly. You need to have an idea, have a plan, you ought to be able to convince other people that we are the ones who are the best and who should be fully trusted. Many investment services contain all the necessary information about how to look for an investment, how to find an investor, which steps to take in order to be able to achieve professional success. One of the skills, that you should reach perfection in, is the elevator pitch. It is crucial if we want someone to trust us, to invest in our undertaking and to choose no one else but us. What actually is this test about?
First of all, it is the ability to present one’s idea in the best possible way and in a very short time. Why is it called so? Imagine that we enter the elevator with someone and we have got just a few moments, while the elevator is moving between the floors, to be able to tell them about our idea for a business. We can say only a few sentences that may determine our success in their eyes. So let’s tell ourselves “I am looking for an investor”, let’s choose a specific person and do everything we can to make this person get interested in our idea to such an extent that they want to leave this proverbial elevator with us. The elevator pitch is our proverbial “to be or not to be”. Either we do everything and achieve our goal, or we will not be able to win over a potential investor.
What do we need to have in order to pass the elevator pitch?
First of all, the most important thing is to believe that we have a good idea for a given business. If we believe in it ourselves, we are able to convince others to our idea as well. If we do not believe in it, we will not be able to convince anyone, because we will not be honest and truthful in this idea. It is essential to have a business plan at your fingertips, so that the person to whom we pass something and who is to invest in us, could get comprehensive answers to all the questions that bother them. In addition, an extremely valuable element is the ability to speak concisely, precisely, on a subject, highlighting what is most important and fundamental. If we have these skills and our appearance allows us to present ourselves well to a given investor, there is a high possibility that we will achieve the desired effect.
How to gain information needed to pass the elevator pitch?
It is commonly known that Rome was not built in a day and that not everyone has the skill to cope with every situation. Regardless of whether we look for a partner, need money or are interested in selling the company, in each case we need to be able to approach the person properly, so that, when seeing us, they want to learn something more. Sometimes two or three sentences are enough to arouse some interest. It is often the most important thing which can enable you to achieve your professional success. It is worth betting on so-called barcamps, i.e. lectures in which people who know the subject from scratch, give appropriate advices and suggestions.