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What is your idea / business and to whom is it addressed?

Scarlet is a standard magazine publishing and distribution company that is based in Kisumu, Kenya. Our niche as a magazine publishing company covers News, Entertainment, Business, Fashion, and Beauty. Our main product is information delivery and online platforms, community outreaches and word of mouth are some of the main channels scarlet uses to reach out to its audience. Scarlet Magazine focuses on telling and highlighting issues affecting the community in the sectors of health, environment, agriculture and livelihood improvement, peace, and governance. Part of our main aims goals is to create employment to the youths at the community level, our main focus on this is to reduce rural to urban migration and to come to develop a community that youths are inspired and self-motivated. There is also weak partnership and linkages with CSOs, corporates between community magazines and other key stakeholders that will enhance the utilization of evidence-based reports to highlight issues affecting the community in the key sectors. Most corporates and CSOs rely on mainstream media, communication personnel, and social media pages to highlight issues. This approach although having been established to be effective it has noted to be not efficient since most organizations spend a bigger percentage of their funds on programming activities while setting a little or no funds for publicity of their activities. The scarlet magazine intends to create a platform for corporates, CSOs, and the community to highlight issues. On return on investment, Scarlet Magazine is looking for partners who can help create change in the community and work for hand in hand to build a great community. Scarlet being an upcoming magazine we are working on printing our very first hardcopy of the magazine but we have done plenty of writings on online platforms, visit our website at

How should the idea/business earn money?

Scarlet will depend on the sales, advertisements, networks, strong online presence, and partnerships to bring back profits to the business. Featuring advertisements for different products will give income in terms of the manufactures paying for the platforms. Working with the community will open a great market platform for people to purchase our product which is the hardcopy magazine. Highlighting relevant issues in the community will attract the right investors and partners. Scarlet?s target audience is large and adverse, we target manufacturers of different products, models who want their brand grown, community-based organizations, business people government projects, students, and everyone in our target market.

At what stage is the idea / business at the moment?

Scarlet Magazine is already a running project that has been in existence since its registration on 7th October 2019. We have been active mostly online and have written and featured many articles highlighting different issues in the community. We have also engaged in county activities like celebrating World Health Day, world mental health day Actively, we have engaged in community activities. We have a budget that shows the expenditure of every cent put on scarlet and we are able to provide it. Scarlet members have fully participated in ensuring that the brand grows. We have organized Photoshoots featuring different models and Cloth lines. We have a management that handles everything from shoots to social media, Scarlet is designed in a way that everyone is able to work and deliver to build the business. And since we?ve been operating from our pocket we?ve not been able to reach where we?ve wanted to see scarlet in a year or two, so as soon as we get hold of the capital, the project will be implemented immediately and will be able to deliver to the community and all over the world.

What do you need?

Scarlet Magazine is looking for funds and partners who are passionate and dedicated and are ready to work with them and the community at large, A partner who can involve the community at delivering and highlighting issues around them and beyond. We open partnership advice on Capital, legal advice, and investment.

Amount for investment

