RECYCLING Partnership

RECYCLING Partnership Claimed

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What is your idea / business and to whom is it addressed?

SESA Recycling has implemented in Ghana a reward-for-recycling scheme. Every kilo of recyclable waste dropped at the collection points, can be swapped for rewards (cash/goods/services). Recyclables are delivered to recycling partners Main objectives are to deploy fixed and mobile collection points to : generate extra-income for local communities while revealing the ?value of waste? develop the circular economy and recycling in Ghana clean environment and avoid improper waste disposal

How should the idea/business earn money?

Main objectives are to deploy fixed and mobile collection points to : generate extra-income for local communities while revealing the ?value of waste? develop the circular economy and recycling in Ghana clean environment and avoid improper waste disposal

At what stage is the idea / business at the moment?

SESA is also providing bill payment service with sorted plastics and micro-loans refundable in plastics

What do you need?

SESA is now looking for partners for scaling up the activity and leverage the sorting and recycling of waste for households

Amount for investment
