Lulos World Properties

Lulos World Properties Claimed

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What is your idea / business and to whom is it addressed?

We have identified fast developing areas that are giving away affordable vacant land/s in and outside estates. We will be buying land and building contemporary residential properties and sell them to the identified niche market. Profit margin 100%

How should the idea/business earn money?

We bring in vast experience in the industry and we intend to bring a modern look to the properties we will be developing/building. Our main focus is to build and sell contemporary residential properties. Our selling price is determined by the area and location of the property as well as all the costs associated with the construction of the property which also include land cost town-planning costs, municipal costs, surveying costs and the conveyancing costs (where applicable)? The profit margin per property is projected to be from 70% to over 100% depending on the area and location of the property.

At what stage is the idea / business at the moment?

The company has turned over USD80,000.00 in its first year of operation with the main business being house renovations, Architectural services and construction of mobile kitchens and offices. We have also built our own personal residential homes as demo properties and also to better understand the product, collect data, create relationships with suppliers and better the product itself. The capital will enable us to move into our bigger vision which is to buy land, build and sell contemporary houses at competitive prices as well as below market values. We will achieve this as we do most of the professional work and construction ourselves and thus cutting costs and maintain quality work.

What do you need?

We are looking for investor/s or shareholders and interested in securing USD300,000.00 capital injection to execute and help finance the land purchase, building material and initial related costs on the initial stages with initial investment paid back in accordance with the agreement that will be made. The minimum contribution cheque size is USD20,000.00. Dividends will be issued and paid on a yearly basis. All the funds will be accounted for and Audited Annual Financial Statements will be prepared and accessed by all the investors/shareholders. Collateral for the funding will be the land properties purchased, work in progress properties and the final products

Amount for investment

