High Profit consumer electronics Venture

High Profit consumer electronics Venture Claimed

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What is your idea / business and to whom is it addressed?

We are a company in Kenya dealing with Audio Visual, Communication, Digital Learning & Solar lighting. We are looking for investors who are willing to work with us on a return based venture. We are among the main distributors of digital items in Nairobi & neighbouring counties. Venturing with us it will give you an opportunity to earn more than 30% on injected capital.

How should the idea/business earn money?

We sell electronic and digital communication items on a daily basis. The investor will earn his/her money back on weekly basis as per our agreement. Since we do cash sales this will be a direct paying venture

At what stage is the idea / business at the moment?

Our business is in operation. SO it is something which will be integrated immediately e form and agree on how to strategise the deals.

What do you need?

I need an investor who we can execute the sales of the devices together by injecting some cash on the products we can agree upon.

Amount for investment

