Everest foods

Everest foods Claimed

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What is your idea / business and to whom is it addressed?

We are building a new business which is focused on building a dry food product range under 1 brand name. This brand will include ranges such as: 1. Rice and other grains 2. Pulses 3. Spices 4. Pastes and sauces 5. Pastas and more.

How should the idea/business earn money?

We are setting for a step by step launch and build up, step 1 we distribution and sales of rice, which can give 0.15 cents/kg profits. Initial launch will be in Pakistan, followed by zone 2 gulf and Australia distribution. Zone 3 Europe and far East Asia, zone 4 North and South America, zone 5 last Africa.

At what stage is the idea / business at the moment?

The idea is at the initial stages, awaiting investment.

What do you need?

We need USD 50,000-70,000 , initially which can he returned in full within 3 years. We target to expand the business across zone 3 within the first decade, so in future we will be seeking my investment which could be close to USD 500,000.

Amount for investment

