20% yearly return on investment

20% yearly return on investment Claimed

Average Reviews

What is your idea / business and to whom is it addressed?

My Company is based in Cape Town South Africa. Our economy is growing at a fast rate with infrastructure development and our government supports small medium enterprises to supply its hospitals, schools and various other departments within government. Spending for patient care and education exceeds R151 billion per year. I supply goods to these departments.

How should the idea/business earn money?

With this lucrative marketed and guaranteed flow of income, we anticipate to exceed sales of R12million per year at a nett return of 7% per annum after paying an investor 20% nett per on annum on an investment of $300 000.

At what stage is the idea / business at the moment?

The business has traded for 14 months achieving a profit in its first year with the director drawing 30% of turnover as profit drawings

What do you need?

I need an investor to invest a minimum of $300 000 for a period of 5 years with a guaranteed return of 20% per annum. Which is payable monthly, quarterly or yearly. The funds will be used for stock, working capital, expansion, office equipment and job creation

Amount for investment
